Fall Safety Driving Tips

Fall Road Safety Tips

With the changing weather and end of daylight savings time, the fall season brings on additional roadway hazards. Here are a few tips on how to avoid some common driving dangers this season:

Sunrise/Sunset Glares

  • Remember that the sun will rise later and set earlier, coinciding with rush hour commutes.
  • Keep a pair of sunglasses in your car and the inside of your windshield streak-free to minimize sun glare. 

Dawn/Dusk lighting

  • Turn your headlights on earlier to help other cars and pedestrians see you better.
  • Be alert for pedestrians, especially children getting on/off school buses
  • If you are walking or riding, always walk facing the traffic and in light colored or reflective clothing. A walker who is looking at the oncoming traffic is better able to move out of a vehicles path


  • Be extra cautious during dusk and early evening hours when deer are more active. 
  • Deer travel in herds, if you see one, expect more to follow.
  • The deer population on Long Island is rapidly expanding and autumn is breeding season. Be alert!


  • Increase the distance between you and the car in front of you, wet leaves are as slippery as ice
  • Slow down on roads covered in leaves, they can hide potholes and street markings.
  • Be aware that wet leaves can be as dangerous and slippery as ice on roadways. 

Drowsy Driving

  • Stay Alert: When daylight savings ends, we spend more time driving at night when it’s more dangerous
  • Take care to be well rested and if you experience any signs of drowsy driving, pull over safely and take a break

Fog and Frost

  • Be careful of morning frost on roads as temperatures drop overnight.
  • Always use low beams in fog.

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